





How Sophisticated Marketing Automation Drives Pipeline and Revenue for B2B Companies

Drive Business Growth, with Advanced Marketing Automation in 2024

In order to achieve growth it has become essential for B2B companies in 2024 to implement cutting edge marketing automation strategies. By utilizing platforms and coordinating across channels businesses can scale personalized messaging demonstrate attribution and generate more leads.

As an executive it is crucial to prioritize your strategy and technology decisions by addressing the sales and marketing obstacles first. The key capabilities that should be leveraged include;

Continuous Engagement with Leads Throughout the Customer Journey

Marketing automation allows for personalized nurturing of each lead until they convert and even beyond. Leading platforms such as HubSpot and Pardot establish your brand as a presence at every step of the customer journey.

Coordinated Campaigns Across Channels

By unifying customer data and workflows you can orchestrate optimized messaging across diverse channels like email, web personalization, digital ads and sales representatives. Solutions like Marketo and Oracle Eloqua excel in handling the complexity of channel coordination.

Images by @sample
Images by @sample

Targeted Account Based Marketing (ABM)

For B2B companies winning enterprise accounts is often a make or break factor for success. Account based marketing utilizes intent data and account insights to execute targeted campaigns aimed at securing accounts by name. Terminus, Demandbase and 6sense are leaders, in driving account based orchestration.

It is crucial to have an understanding of the return, on investment (ROI) in marketing considering the entire customer journey. Leading modeling platforms such as Neustar, Visual IQ and Rockerbox analyze attribution across offline channels to demonstrate the impact of marketing on revenue.

In an evolving market prioritizing optimization based on proven pain points is more important than adopting cutting edge features. Modern marketing automation aims to eliminate obstacles, to sustainable pipeline growth by addressing infrastructure gaps before expanding reach.

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